We used lots of technology in making our film. We used two DV cameras for filming the production although one was set to the ratio 4:3 instead of widescreen so we couldn’t really use this footage in our final film. We also used the homemade steady cam the media department has, which helped with keeping our moving shots and close to the action (including using a hockey stick and some gaffer tape, improvisation at its best). Jack learned how to use After Effects well for our special effects we would edit into the film and make everything work better.
Premier Pro: This is the program that we used to edit all of our footage that we caught and chosen track, we have had previous experience on Premier Pro editing a Romeo and Juliet trailer and a Preliminary exercise. Alaso we worked on Example's video for 'kickstart'. We created the opening of the video, which took hours of editing to get it just right. The software allows you to edit different audio and video on multiple tracks, which has proved extremely useful. It is laid out so that your imported files are on the left, the track are at the bottom and the video is on the top right however the only sound we would use is the sound track (piranha- prodigy) and a gun shot . This is a very easy system to use once you’ve had some practice. This 5 second worth is 1 lessons worth of special effects and editing involved.
Camera: The camera we used to film, obviously, the model was a Panasonic GS230 and was very easy to use and operate. However we did encounter a dodgy camera which didn’t capture any footage to a computer and a second camera which chewed the taps which we filmed on. This thing unfortunately kept on setting us back.
Equipment: As well as the camera we also used a lot of extra technical equipment such as a steady cam, tripod, and an additional camera. We used a hockey stick and gaffer tape which Ben would hold and run with so he was in focus and the back ground is moving. This effect is used in “Placebo-The perfect drug” perfect for our film. The steady cam came in handy when we needed to film action shots because whoever was filming could run alongside the action but the footage wouldn’t appear too shaky whist still being in shot. We tried to uses a second camera on site on the filming day to film different angles of the scene so instead of filming the scene twice. We also used a toy gun to imitate a real gun.
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